Minggu, 17 Mei 2009

Just 4 U (My best inspirator)

(Dedicated to our beloved GM : Ferry Fibriandani)

Dear our Beloved Inspirator,..

Dua tahun berlari begitu cepat..
Tangan-pun tak dapat meraih..
Bahkan picing-an mata-pun tak mampu mengejar

Menyadari situasi spt ini adalah hal yang menyesakkan...
Tertampik waktu dan suasana
Yang memang tak di-izinkan utk berubah...
Memang harus inilah adanya...

Pada akhirnya harus selalu ada saat seperti ini,
entah itu sementara atau selamanya..
Terkadang perpisahan adalah konsekuensi dari keputusan untuk memilih sesuatu,
Kehilangan akan sesuatu untuk mendapatkan yang lain..
Untuk meraih semua angan dan mimpi
Atau bahkan utk bertemu kembali..

Beribu kata maaf,
Hanya karena kami pernah berada pada situasi tak percaya,
Saat-saat tak merasa yakin akan kebaikan dan ketangguhan seorang pemimpin
Yang pada akhirnya tertampik oleh semua masa dan waktu terbaik..

Saat ini,
Hanya sepenggal kata “Terima Kasih” yg mampu terucap,
Tak hanya lewat kata,
Tetapi tulus ikhlas menerobos melewati hati ..

Terima kasih karena membuat cobaan menjadi tegar
Terima kasih karena merubah suasana menjadi penuh bahagia
Terima kasih karena membuat semua terasa lebih bermakna
Walaupun semua rasa Terima kasih seolah tak akan pernah cukup

Kami semua percaya, selalu ada hal besar menanti mas Ferry di depan..

May the road rise up to meet you,
May the sun shine warm upon your face
and the rain fall softly on your fields.
May the hand of a friend always be near you
And until we meet again,
may God hold you in the hollow of his hand
We miss you already…

“The world is divided into people who do things and people who get the credit”
Mas Ferry, We believe that You belong to the 1st class
There’s far less competition..

Selasa, 28 April 2009

U Complete Me..

It's been a long time since we started
And all of the hurting we've been through,
I find that I still in love with U..
Searchin' and searchin',
looking for better greener pastures never grew
cause everything I needed I already had with U

Been around and tried to find someone
to replace the love that made us one
No one else could ever make me whole,
Only U for me..
We can start things new,
heaven knows the way that I miss U..

Please don't take Ur love from me,
Only U can make my life complete

I've learned a lesson,
never to let the one U love slip away
It took this tragedy for me to see that U are the only one,
U complete me..

I never knew a love,
until U came and showed me what it was
And I'll never let U go,.. never again..
I promise U this time, forever
We'll make it last and things will be better
Better than before... get better in time..


A breath of words To start the fire..A gentle touch To kindle it further.. All consuming Yet it burns me not..
I am free thinking, My mind is mine..But all I can think of is USometimes..

Sometimes my soul hears the wind Passing through the hollow space..Where Ur body should be And it shivers inside me..Yearning for Ur gentle touch To tend the fire..
U began in my heart With Ur breath of words

I love U, but “never only Sometimes..”

Too beautiful for words

When I try to describe how I feel when you hold me,
I get butterflies lullabies,
it's hard to explain..
Like the sent of a rose.. or the sound of the rain
It's too precious and too wonderful to give it a name

Too beautiful for words..
A symphony inside me
I can not take them lightly

Can you hear my silent heart..?
It's on the tip of my tongue
But my lips are still sealed
Only violins and their innocence can show you how I feel
And I hear them again..

There's nothing I can say..
Too beautiful for words..
A symphony inside of me
Too beautiful for words..
I can not take them lightly

Can you hear my silent heart again..?
Must be a million times I've tried to express this love of mine
When it goes this deep, when it tastes this sweet..

U are my everything..

When we first fell in love,
I thought that nothing could compare to the magical romance
that U and I had come to share...

But as time passed, feelings deepened,
and our closeness grew
The romance turned into a real and lasting love with U..
U care for me in all the ways I want and need so much.
I’ve always felt Ur warmth and tenderness with every word and care.

I know I can depend on U for support and honesty,
That patient understanding that U always give to me..
There’s a special kind of happiness that only love can bring,
And I’ve found that happiness with U...
'coz U are my everything...

I might not... but I will..

I might not be the perfect person U've seen,But I have the biggest heart full of love for U..
I might not have the sweetest voice to sing U a beautiful songBut in me, I sing the joy of all my care for U..and I keep trying to make U the happiest one who ever lived
I might not be the best to consult with Ur problems,But I will try my best to help U out..I might not send U the perfect love letters,But down here, in my heart,I have written the best love letter ever..I will continuing read it to U...

Memiliki kehilangan..

"Tak mampu melepasnya
Walau sudah tak ada
Hatimu tetap merasa masih memilikinya
Rasa kehilangan hanya akan ada
Jika kau pernah memilikinya
Pernahkah kau mengira kalau dia kan sirna Walau kau tak percaya dengan sepenuh jiwa"

Lagi2....bicara tentang "kehilangan"..
Sungguh...tak ada satupun di muka bumi ini yang mau merasakan kehilangan... Apapun bentuk-nya...

Lyric di permukaan tadi, walaupun singkat...namun saya yakin, sudah sgt menggambarkan bgm rasa dan arti sebuah kehilangan...
Bahwa kita baru akan dapat merasa kehilangan, jika kita merasa pernah memilikinya...
Tapi sayangnya...manusia biasanya baru menyadari sesuatu hilang dari diri-nya jika seseorang yg selalu memenuhi hari2-nya sdh benar2 sirna...tak ada lagi di sekeliling-nya...

Hhmm..ternyata memang biasanya...kita terlampau sering menganggap sesuatu itu adalah hal biasa...tak ter-istimewa..
Sehrsnya kita dgn penuh menyadari, bahwa si "biasa" atau "tak ter-istimewa" yg selalu mengisi tiap sudut hari2 kita, yg senantiasa selalu ada di tiap kita membutuhkannya, yg rela "sesak nafas" untuk kita, yg tak berkeberatan menunggu kita sampai kapanpun juga, yg selalu ikhlas lahir bathin untuk kita.... Adalah seseorang yg patut kita jaga...

Si "biasa" dan "tak ter-istimewa" tadi...pasti hanya punya harap sederhana thd kita : "sayangi aku, dan jgn sia2-kan aku"...
Karena kita takkan pernh mengira kalau dia kan sirna Walau kita tak akan percaya dengan sepenuh jiwa....
Semoga saya, orang tercinta saya...dan bahkan siapapun, jangan pernh mengalami bukan hanya sakit-nya rasa kehilangan, tapi yg terpenting adalah, jgn sampai menyia2-kan seseorang yg selalu ada di tiap hela nafas hidup, dan ikhlas lahir bathin utk kita... Amin